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Monday, February 20, 2017

[Inspiration] Success Come From Experience, And Experience comes from BAD Experiences

" Success Come From Experience, And Experience comes from ' BAD ' Experiences "

On the journey of life, everyone have to struggle, face ups and downs. Obstacles and hardships are bound to be there in one's lives. But what is important is how we tackle them. It is the perception of an individual towards the same that defines the course of his life. It has been aptly remarked that "To be a champion, fight one more round". It is one's tireless pursuit that will lead him to success. Success and failure are the two facets of a coin. There are people who may give up or there are others who are ready to take the failure as a challenge. A brave person takes the failures as a challenge, to step up the ladder of success. Destiny also favours the brave.

It is our attitude towards the life that helps us to shape our destiny. Failures can be disheartening when one is unable to cope with the situation. At such times, one must remember that it is the cowards who run away from the situation.

It is seldom that a child can walk without tumbling or falling down. But these small failures do not deter his spirit. Slowly and gradually, he learns to stand on his feet and then walk It is because of the child's will power that he is able to stand upright. This gives us a lesson that we must try and try until we succeed.

" Success is a culmination of hard work, dedication, and determination. " 

It is not necessary that every effort bears fruit. But every step definitely gives us an experience and this experience is incomparable. Failures not only make us aware of our shortcoming but provide a learning lesson.

They hint towards an individual's weaknesses, lack of preparation or lack of efforts. A person who can learn from his failures and work upon them is bound to be successful in life. With each failure, an individual steps closer to the success.

The success, after a number of failures, is valued and cherished much more. If we look at the life history of the successful people, we find that every successful man has failed at some point of time in his life.

It is just that he was smart enough to extract learning from those failures. Every time they experienced a failure, they bounced back with a rejuvenated spirit. They did not let the rejection of a failure overcome their spirit to achieve their goals. This is what made them successful. 

Nothing great has ever been achieved without consistent effort in the face of innumerable difficulties. Here are some examples. Bill Gates, a Harvard University dropout, founded Microsoft in 1975, which became the world's largest PC software company. His first business Traf­-O-­Data failed but he did not give up and now became the wealthiest person in the world.

Another example was Walt Disney the creator of Micky Mouse and founder of Walt Disney company, winner of 22 Academy Award. Disney failed to join the United States Army and became an ambulance driver in Red Cross. In 1920s he set up the Disney Brothers Studio and made many famous animated films and got many academy awards. Later he founded Disneyland and Disney Park.

Similarly, JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, spent a life full of poverty and depression, before she wrote her first novel. Twelve publishing houses rejected to publish her first book, 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. There were six sequels and have become the best selling books in history. She has lived a 'rag to riches' life story and became one of the wealthiest women in UK.

Eventually, it is " Our patience and determination that leads us to the road of success. " One has to pay the price of his aspirations and dreams with his perseverance and dedication. As Rome wasn't built in a day, one cannot become successful overnight. The road to success is rough and patchy with hurdles and obstacles. But all failures become meaningless, once we accomplish our goals successfully.

That's why truth is,
" Success Come From Experience, And Experience comes from ' BAD ' Experiences "

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

[Economy] Bills and Acts Pertaining to Black Money

Introduction :
Central government has introduced bills and made amendments to existing acts pertaining to black money initiative, So here we discuss some of the important bills include
Indian Black Money: 

In India, black money refers to funds earned on the black market, on which income and other taxes have not been paid. The total amount of black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians is unknown. Some reports claim a total of US$1.06 trillion is held illegally in Switzerland Other reports, including those reported by the Swiss Bankers Association and the Government of Switzerland, claim these reports are false and fabricated, and the total amount held in all Swiss bank accounts by citizens of India is about US$2 billion.

In February 2012, the director of India's Central Bureau of Investigation said that Indians have US$500 billion of illegal funds in foreign tax havens, more than any other country. In March 2012, the government of India clarified in its parliament that the CBI director's statement on $500 billion of illegal money was an estimate based on a statement made to India's Supreme Court in July 2011.
In a televised address on 8 November 2016 by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that banknotes of ₹500 and ₹1000 would cease to be legal tender from midnight. Automatic teller machines at some places were closed on 9 and 10 November. Government organisations have brought out new notes. The Govt of India had accepted the proposal of RBI in bringing out ₹2000 banknotes and a new version of the ₹500. The old notes are being removed from circulation.

Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets (Imposition of Tax) Bill :
  • Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley introduced the bill in Lok Sabha on March 20, 2015 
  • Passed by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Income Tax (IT) Act, 1961 replaced to tax foreign incomeApplies to all Indian residents 
  • Tax evasion and hiding foreign income to be treated as Criminal cases 
  • Punishment will be 3 to 10 years imprisonment with a fine amount for willful tax evasion 
  • Fine imposed will be three times the tax on undisclosed amount with a 30 percent addition 
  • Failure to pay tax returns on foreign assets leads to imprisonment from 6 months to 7 years with a fine 
  • Fine will be 10 lac for not paying tax on foreign income 
  • No fine for assets or income worth 5 lacs or less 
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
This act was enacted to curb the global menace of money laundering across the globe. 
Some of the salient features of the act include :
  • Act introduced in Lok Sabha by then Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee 
  • Bill amendment made on 2011 to include India as one of the key members of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 
  • Act provides provisions of Indian laws to comply with international laws regarding money laundering 
  • Concealment, possession and acquisition of foreign assets without paying tax are defined as offence in this law 
  • Fine up to 5 lacs 
  • Individual property confiscation for a period not extending up to 180 days if proven offensive 
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 
  • Inter governmental body with its origin in Paris G-7 Summit, 1989 
  • Main purpose is to set standards globally on anti money laundering 
  • Combating the financing of terrorist activities or terror financing 
  • India joined FATF in 2010 as 34 th member nation 
  • Anti money laundering conventions 
  • Countering measures on terror financing with cooperation of nations 
Negotiable Instruments Bill :
  • Negotiable instruments Act was introduced in 1882 
  • The Act was amended on 13 th May 2015 
  • Passed in the Lok Sabha 
  • Explanation of promissory notes, cheque and bills of exchange amended with digital signature 
  • Main aim is to create penalties for bouncing of cheques 
  • Bounced Cheque issuer will be penalized by withdrawing a penalty amount from their bank accounts and also will have to pay penalty on the receiver end 
  • In case of more than one instance of bouncing cheques, cases will be transferred to the appropriate courts coming under the jurisdiction 
  • Bill withdrawn on 24 th July to make further instruments 
  • Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 
  • All foreign exchange related transactions regulated by FEMA in India 
  • FEMA replaced strict and restrictive control provisions of FERA, 1973 
  • Ensure proper utilization of foreign transactions 
  • Conserve the Forex transactions 
  • Violation implies civil imprisonment if fine not paid within 90 days 
  • RBI administers FEMA implementation 
  • Act allows only authorized persons to deal in foreign exchange 
  • Objectives of the act include external trade facilitation, promotion of foreign exchange and payments 
  • RBI monitors business conduct of Indian companies outside India 
  • Recently, Indian companies established abroad especially in Tax havens were taxed by RBI 
  • All imports and export-related transactions come under the purview of this act 
  • Functions as a watch dog mechanism in foreign exchange for India 
The Benami Transactions Bill :
  • Amendment of Benami Transactions Act, 1988
  • Passed in Lok Sabha by Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley
  • Description of Benamidar revised
  • Penalty for giving false information through Benamis leads to imprisonment of 6 months to 5 years
  • Fine up to 10 percent of the benami property market value
Four main authorities established to investigate or conduct inquiries : 
  1. Initiating officer
  2. Approving officer 
  3. Administrator and 
  4. Adjudicating officer 
Emerging Issues :
  • Strong and quick implementation of the acts 
  • Political Interference 
  • Corrupt officers 
  • Willful defaulters on the rise – Mr. Subroto Roy, Mr. Vijay Mallya etc. 
  • Participatory notes are the main source of terror financing 
  • No mention on Participatory notes in the amendments and bills introduced so far 
  • Havala scandal cases 
  • Illegal trading activities
  • Stock market scandals 
  • Smuggling and money transfer 
  • Counterfeit currency 
  • Bank Scandals 

The above issues indicate the urgent need for the empowerment of strong, powerful, autonomous and independent regulatory bodies like RBI, SEBI etc.

Friday, September 23, 2016

11 September 1893 विश्व धर्म महासभा, शिकागॊ स्वामी विवेकानंद

Higher detail image of Swami_Vivekananda.jpg Swami Vivekananda, September, 1893, Chicago, On the left Vivekananda wrote in his own handwriting: "one infinite pure and holy – beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee" अमेरिकावासी बहनो तथा भाईयो,

आपने जिस सौहार्द और स्नेह के साथ हम लोगों का स्वागत किया हैं, उसके प्रति आभार प्रकट करने के निमित्त खड़े होते समय मेरा हृदय अवर्णनीय हर्ष से पूर्ण हो रहा हैं। संसार में संन्यासियों की सब से प्राचीन परम्परा की ओर से मैं आपको धन्यवाद देता हूँ; धर्मों की माता की ओर से धन्यवाद देता हूँ; और सभी सम्प्रदायों एवं मतों के कोटि कोटि हिन्दुओं की ओर से भी धन्यवाद देता हूँ।

मैं इस मंच पर से बोलनेवाले उन कतिपय वक्ताओं के प्रति भी धन्यवाद ज्ञापित करता हूँ, जिन्होंने प्राची के प्रतिनिधियों का उल्लेख करते समय आपको यह बतलाया हैं कि सुदूर देशों के ये लोग सहिष्णुता का भाव विविध देशों में प्रचारित करने के गौरव का दावा कर सकते हैं। मैं एक ऐसे धर्म का अनुयायी होने में गर्व का अनुभव करता हूँ, जिसने संसार को सहिष्णुता तथा सार्वभौम स्वीकृति, दोनों की ही शिक्षा दी हैं। हम लोग सब धर्मों के प्रति केवल सहिष्णुता में ही विश्वास नहीं करते, वरन् समस्त धर्मों को सच्चा मान कर स्वीकार करते हैं। मुझे ऐसे देश का व्यक्ति होने का अभिमान हैं, जिसने इस पृथ्वी के समस्त धर्मों और देशों के उत्पीड़ितों और शरणार्थियों को आश्रय दिया हैं। मुझे आपको यह बतलाते हुए गर्व होता हैं कि हमने अपने वक्ष में यहूदियों के विशुद्धतम अवशिष्ट को स्थान दिया था, जिन्होंने दक्षिण भारत आकर उसी वर्ष शरण ली थी, जिस वर्ष उनका पवित्र मन्दिर रोमन जाति के अत्याचार से धूल में मिला दिया गया था । ऐसे धर्म का अनुयायी होने में मैं गर्व का अनुभव करता हूँ, जिसने महान् जरथुष्ट्र जाति के अवशिष्ट अंश को शरण दी और जिसका पालन वह अब तक कर रहा हैं। भाईयो, मैं आप लोगों को एक स्तोत्र की कुछ पंक्तियाँ सुनाता हूँ, जिसकी आवृति मैं बचपन से कर रहा हूँ और जिसकी आवृति प्रतिदिन लाखों मनुष्य किया करते हैं:

रुचिनां वैचित्र्यादृजुकुटिलनानापथजुषाम्
। नृणामेको गम्यस्त्वमसि पयसामर्णव इव ।। 

- जैसे विभिन्न नदियाँ भिन्न भिन्न स्रोतों से निकलकर समुद्र में मिल जाती हैं, उसी प्रकार हे प्रभो! भिन्न भिन्न रुचि के अनुसार विभिन्न टेढ़े-मेढ़े अथवा सीधे रास्ते से जानेवाले लोग अन्त में तुझमें ही आकर मिल जाते हैं। यह सभा, जो अभी तक आयोजित सर्वश्रेष्ठ पवित्र सम्मेलनों में से एक हैं, स्वतः ही गीता के इस अद्भुत उपदेश का प्रतिपादन एवं जगत् के प्रति उसकी घोषणा हैं: 

ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् । मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्याः पार्थ सर्वशः ।।

"जो कोई मेरी ओर आता हैं - चाहे किसी प्रकार से हो - मैं उसको प्राप्त होता हूँ। लोग भिन्न मार्ग द्वारा प्रयत्न करते हुए अन्त में मेरी ही ओर आते हैं।" साम्प्रदायिकता, हठधर्मिता और उनकी बीभत्स वंशधर धर्मान्धता इस सुन्दर पृथ्वी पर बहुत समय तक राज्य कर चुकी हैं। वे पृथ्वी को हिंसा से भरती रही हैं, उसको बारम्बार मानवता के रक्त से नहलाती रही हैं, सभ्यताओं को विध्वस्त करती और पूरे पूरे देशों को निराशा के गर्त में डालती रही हैं। यदि ये बीभत्स दानवी न होती, तो मानव समाज आज की अवस्था से कहीं अधिक उन्नत हो गया होता । पर अब उनका समय आ गया हैं, और मैं आन्तरिक रूप से आशा करता हूँ कि आज सुबह इस सभा के सम्मान में जो घण्टाध्वनि हुई हैं, वह समस्त धर्मान्धता का, तलवार या लेखनी के द्वारा होनेवाले सभी उत्पीड़नों का, तथा एक ही लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर होनेवाले मानवों की पारस्पारिक कटुता का मृत्युनिनाद सिद्ध हो।

Friday, September 16, 2016

4. संतोष से सुख Hindi Motivational Story

एक सेठजी का आकस्मिक स्वर्गवास हो गया। उनके बाद उनका लड़का मालिक बना। उसने एक दिन अपने पुराने मुनीम जी से पूछा कि मुनीम जी हमारे पास कितना धन है? मुनीम ने सोचा अभी यह लड़का है,इससे क्या कहें,क्या न कहें। मुनीम जी ने कहा-"सेठजी,आपके पास इतना धन है कि आपकी तेरह पीढ़ी बैठे-बैठे खा सकती हैं।" इसे सुनकर सेठजी का चेहरा उदास हो गया। सोचने लगे कि तेरहवीं पीढ़ी तक का तो इंतजाम है,लेकिन चौदहवीं पीढ़ी क्या खायेगी? सेठजी चिन्तित रहने लगे,जिसके कारण भूख और नींद ही हवा हो गई,तबियत उदास रहने लगी। सेठ जी को उदास देखकर मुनीम जी ने पूछा-"सेठ जी! एक उपाय करो। आप एकादशी का व्रत रखा करो और द्वादशी के दिन किसी सन्तोषी ब्राह्मण को सीधा(अन्नदान) दान कर दिया करो। आपकी सब चिंताएं दूर हो जायेंगी।

"सेठ जी ने ऐसा ही किया। तीन दिन बाद एकादशी थी। सेठ जी ने एकादशी का व्रत किया। दूसरे दिन प्रातः मुनीम जी से बोले-"सीधा अपने हाथ से ही ब्राह्मण को देना चाहिए।" सेठ जी ने एक सीधा लगवाया और मुनीम जी को साथ लेकर ब्राह्मण के दरवाजे पर गये। पंडित जी!सीधा ले लीजिये। पण्डित जी ने कहा-ठहरिये,मैं भीतर पण्डितानी से पूछ आऊँ।वह भीतर गए और पंडितानी से पूछा-"आज का क्या प्रबंध है?" ब्राह्मणी ने कहा-'आज का सीधा आ गया है।' पंडित जी बाहर आये और सेठजी से बोले-"सेठजी!आज का सीधा हमारे यहाँ आ गया है,आप इसे किसी दूसरे ब्राह्मण को दे दीजिये।" सेठजी बोले-"आज का आ गया है तो क्या हुआ,यह आपको कल काम देगा।"ब्राह्मण देवता ने कहा-"जिसने आज का प्रबंध किया है,वही कल का भी करेगा। हम भविष्य की चिंता नहीं करते।" ऐसा सुनते ही सेठजी सोचने लगे,"मुझे तो चौदहवीं पीढ़ी की चिंता है और इस ब्राह्मण को कल की भी चिंता नहीं!" सेठ जी की भीतरी आँखे खुल गई,उनकी चिंता दूर जो गई। भगवान का अनन्त भक्त भविष्य की चिंता नहीं करता।